From tem


Would you be interested with joining with some of us to shoot? You look great!


Optimistic and a batman supporter! Totally worth a follow! Feel free to do the same and write any time you like. I love making new friends so don't be shy. Cheers!


Thanks for the like on one of my support albums, glad you approve. Hope you don't mind me following you hon, but you seem like an awesome (and incredibly beautiful) lady. I like making new friends and I would be honoured to be friends with you. Hope you're having a great weekend hon. :


hello Chicago, Imma coming from down under  OZ next month for your most excellent music festival Riot Fest!

@kimberly__ i want to go sooo bad. but i work weekends :(

Thanks for the likes of my random bits. Were you aware of Fad Gadget and his music? I saw him play live twice, and his shows were wild. I have all his records, and was very sad when he died suddenly in 2002. Much love, xxxxx