thank you @missy @rambo for this homework assignment, I've been waiting on one like this to finally come back from being a hermit the last couple months.
If I could tell myself anything 5 years ago, I would have started with
1. You always come first. Its something I have come to terms with. I always put others (loved ones, friends, etc) before myself or needs of my own. Which unfortunately has gotten me into a bit of a pickle recently.
2. Do not rush things. I am one for instant gratification, if I want something, I want it now. And this has taught me to be more patient with everything; my wants, my relationships, the future. I am taking things a day at a time for now, and it is so very refreshing.
3. ALWAYS STAY TRUE TO WHAT YOU LOVE AND DO. I had been put down by so many friends and past relationships and told that I couldn't do things or "wasn't good enough." Well guess what, I AM GOOD ENOUGH.
4. Keep your friends close. I have really distanced myself from old friends for one reason or another, but after becoming a part of the SuicideGirls community, I have made some beautiful and long lasting relationships that I will hold very close.
5. Keep on, keepin' on. No matter what life has thrown at me in the last 5 years, it has taught me some beautiful lessons in life, and it wouldn't have put me in the place I am now, surrounded by the people who love me the most.
The past 5 years have really been a large part in forming me into the person I am today. I have been through trials and tribulations that I would never wish on others, but ultimately, I believe this is where I should be, and that only more positivity can come from this.,