@missy @rambo @lyxzen this is a little late on this blog homework, but it really took me some time to figure out what I actually wanted to accomplish this year..
1. Shoot more! I've got my debut set that came out in May I solemnly swear... shot by @brooklyn late last year, and I have one set in queue Close Encounters shot by @madnessphotography that is due to come out in 3 months 3 weeks from today (6/23). So I would love to shoot more this year especially with how well my first set liked! Thank you all so much for that<33
2. I want to meet more girls in the east coast part of the US that are SG, SGH, or even members! I love putting together shootfests and sleepovers, because its so nice to see girls being girls!
3. I want to spend more time with my already close SG family that I don't know what I would do without (@rosebudlove @mars @maudlin @delmuerto @azalea @nymph_adora @reaper @matryoshka @madnessphotography @kpax @kiket @kristyrabies @enigmasuicide) You guys support me and the other girls so much and it really makes a girl feel loved and I need more of that in my life.
But besides SG stuff I would like to accomplish, I would also like to
4. Get another apartment. For me and my fiancee, and our two cats, and our bunny!
5. Get more tattoos.
6. Maybe a piercing or two ;]
I never make any sort of lists of things to do because I always lose them, but since I am putting this here for all of you to see, maybe you can make me keep my word this year ;]