Been a while, I know, I know. I have to excuse except just life keeps you busy. Trying to get a better photographer, so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know PLEASE! It got up to 102 degrees here in the great state of Texas. Thats hot as hell.
I absolutely love the set you already have all I can say is this. If a "better" photographer helps bring out even more of your unending beauty...go for it! You will blow us away!
I just got back yesterday. I prefer the heat to the humidity in DC.
As to a photographer, you might check the SGDFW group to see if anyone has a recommendation. Also check SG Photographer Hopefuls to see if there is anyone in the area.
How, so we have some cowboy haters in the house. thats ok. you either love them or hate them.
just been working... paying bills all that jazz. trying to plan a trip for this summer. i want to go somewhere awesome. an suggestions anyone?
Well, this hopeful is still being hopeful.... Got a sprained ankle but trying to heal the fucker before it gets any worse. Found an easter egg in it with $100 bill. no, not really, but had fun.
+1 your awesome, i think its just a matter of time before you turn pink.... if i find an easter egg with a 100$ bill inside, i think i will use the money to buy a dozen of these eggs
Been out of town for a week and a half now. In new york, great city. Been so busy lately that I haven't been checking up on here as much as usual. I cant wait to get home and sleep in my own comfy bed. But I have to say, New York is so awesome.
The east coast can be nice...but the summer humidity is worse than Houston. As much as I like it here, I can hardly wait until next month, when I will be home in Irving every weekend!
Getting ready for the weekend. Prolly just gonna work all weekend, but oh well, need to save some money. It's finally getting to be warmer outside and much prettier and more enjoyable, thats for sure. I was getting so tired of the cold. I missed the sunshine. Lack of sunlight has been proven to cause depression, did you know that? Really. Not to mention, when... Read More
Well, seems that this set has gotten a little more attention. Thanks so much everyone for the positive feedback and compliments. I hope everyone is enjoying sayper NAKED. I know I am
I love love love love love love living in a bigger city again. There is so much more to do and to see and people to meet and things to do.,. yeah said... Read More
whats up whats up my peeps. how has everyone's 2010 been goin? Mine's been goin GREEEEEEEAT that i should spell it with an 8.
just been working, trying to make a living in this crazy place called reality. good things, bad things, eh, it all equals out eventually. I've found that if i just stop and take a breather and really look at things from... Read More
Well, haven't been on here in so long because i've moved to dallas (finally) and still havent had the chance to get internet at my new house. I will, I will. Sorry for being a stranger. Had to borrow the neighbors computer to post this. I hope all my lovely friends are doing ok. Please forgive me for being gone so long
This move has... Read More