Alright so this weeks homework is about if you could own your own business what would it be? I absolutely love this question because I have actually have a business plan. :)
My business that I hope to come to life this year is a cupcake food truck called "Bake And Destroy" my idea is for a cute pink or tiffany blue colored truck covered in tattoo styled baking essentials and definitely be mobile. Id defiantly like to be all about the pinup style and have super cute fluffy aparons and great hair :3 All my cupcakes would be tied in with some kinda of a band or something of the sorts and I would sell coffee by day,Beer by night and perferably some sandwiches or some sort of food other than just my cupcakes :)
If you have any ideas for me if love to hear them or even if you think its a good idea I'd love to hear that too! Anything to help me push myself to starting my dream. :)