So about a month ago my Russian Blue kitty (sora) had two beaaauuttiful kittens. But a few days ago, tragically, Pitch (the black/gray kitten) started acting strange, wouldn't move but kept meowing and bending his head towards his back. Before I could get him to a vet (and I was moving pretty fast trying to find somewhere), he passed away. Desperate at this point, I got Colonel (the gray and white kitty) to a vet to make sure HE wasn't sick too. Unfortunately, though he showed no signs of pain besides utter laziness, I was told that he was down to nine percent red blood cells, where he needed forty percent. They said it would cost at least $400 to get him stabilized IF they could, but there was a good chance they still wouldn't save him. Me being broke off my ass and barely affording my bills now had to take the second alternative... I paid to have him put to sleep, to ease his pain. Now I wish there was something I could've done more, rather than give up on him. Sora is constantly meowing throughout day and night, trying to find her two kittens. =( =(
Im not sure but I think the more you pay towards taxes the more you get back. I dont know? My dad got $1,200, he claimed his grandaughter. If your in school and cant work full time then yeah you need that money. Im sure that would be a big help.
Any news on a set.
I have my two kitties and if anything happened to them I'd freak
I'm sorry