Crazy night last night!! Not only was I being stalked and had death threats made too.. Not really a big deal. lol My Best Friend Justine got hit by a truck lastnight, trying to help push a car out of the street. A truck traveling 55mph hit her! Sent her up and over the truck breaking the windshield and passanger side mirror. Thankfully it did not kill her!!
She was rushed to the E.R. and fortunately had much minor injuries then she could have. Both of her feet and angle are broken. Also both Oribitals, nose, and possibly her jaw are broken as well.
I'm thankful for the people that were there to help her. I couldn't imagine what I would do without her.
This is my Best Friend and Brother, Adam.. and that is Justine, also my best friend.

This is her after the accident. Just the day after.

Life is too short and you have to appreciate the people in your life. You never know when it could be your last day.
Me and her at Whiskey River just after she raped me on the dance floor .lol... Drunk as FUCK!

She was rushed to the E.R. and fortunately had much minor injuries then she could have. Both of her feet and angle are broken. Also both Oribitals, nose, and possibly her jaw are broken as well.
I'm thankful for the people that were there to help her. I couldn't imagine what I would do without her.
This is my Best Friend and Brother, Adam.. and that is Justine, also my best friend.

This is her after the accident. Just the day after.

Life is too short and you have to appreciate the people in your life. You never know when it could be your last day.
Me and her at Whiskey River just after she raped me on the dance floor .lol... Drunk as FUCK!