Cheers matey's! Just got back recently from the 2011 SG trip in the English countryside. I helped film the DVD so I had some camera's in my hand most of the time, but I managed to sneak in a few iPhone pics to share with you:

The amazing crew:

i really truly met some amazing people on this trip, saw some old faces that I LOVE, and I miss everyone to bits and pieces.
And HEY I have a new set! I got naked in Arizona for the amazing Alissa. I was on the fence about shooting sets anymore but thanks guys for making me feel like I still got it

Here is an outtake of the some of the hot bitches that helped out on the shoot. Thanks so much to Jezel for hooking us up with a place to take pics.

My garden continues to spawn amazing things so I pickled some peppers:

Things have been going well at my new studio in Downtown LA. We had a quaint little art night where some of my friends from Unbreakable Tattoo got together and did life figure sketches of Sash.

But things are about to go off in a major way at the Compound. I will also be having gallery shows and we are about to have our Grand Opening with all street artists from Los Angeles. Can't wait to share some pics from this one:

That's it for now kiddos. Go out and live your lives. It's a beautiful day.

The amazing crew:

i really truly met some amazing people on this trip, saw some old faces that I LOVE, and I miss everyone to bits and pieces.
And HEY I have a new set! I got naked in Arizona for the amazing Alissa. I was on the fence about shooting sets anymore but thanks guys for making me feel like I still got it

Here is an outtake of the some of the hot bitches that helped out on the shoot. Thanks so much to Jezel for hooking us up with a place to take pics.

My garden continues to spawn amazing things so I pickled some peppers:

Things have been going well at my new studio in Downtown LA. We had a quaint little art night where some of my friends from Unbreakable Tattoo got together and did life figure sketches of Sash.

But things are about to go off in a major way at the Compound. I will also be having gallery shows and we are about to have our Grand Opening with all street artists from Los Angeles. Can't wait to share some pics from this one:

That's it for now kiddos. Go out and live your lives. It's a beautiful day.
That would be awesome! I'll be in LA June 12-16 

new blog from you pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee