From roggen


YOU ARE SO SWEET TO ME. Seriously, I don't know what I did to deserve such a beautiful, supportive friend like you. <3

From roggen


You're so thoughtful and spectacular. I just love you! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

@roggen I anticipate this set to do REALLY well!!! <3

You're most welcome on the support/album hon. You're so beautiful and you totally deserve to go pink. I'll support you all the way. Hope you've had a great weekend hon. :)

From steeldog


Count down, and Go....  😕    😨       😄

My page says there are still 19 more hours! So I guess it's the crack of dawn tomorrow when it comes out. The suspense is killing me, haha!
I will. Wake-up to you a very happy fellow! 😘

From steeldog


Aagghhhh! Is it only Tuesday? Come on Thursday! !!!

Hahaha! And it's in the middle of the night on Thursday even longer! Dang it. ;) @steeldog

From titan_


Thank you for the support on my set babe. You're such a cutie, can't wait to see your first set!

@titan_ You are so welcome! You are very lovely. And yes, someday I hope you can work with's like working with a friend/sister because she has a way of making you feel comfortable and beautiful and just...yes. If you ever get the chance, I would most definitely say to jump on it! <3
and p.s. Your set is doing crazy good!!!

From k9kenny


Can we, your loyal fans, please get more pics!?

Yes, definitely! I'm on the road today, so tomorrow I'll hook you up! :) XO
I am very much looking forward to it! (Insert cheesy smile here) 

From natalee


Thank you for leaving some love on my set babe!!!!! Can't wait to see when yours is out!!<33333

@kismit_ You're pretty incredible. You have an amaaaaaaaazing body, girl!! I am not surprised at all at how well your set is doing in such a short amount of time <3 One more month until mine comes out. Gulp.
Yours is going to do amazing babe! Thank you so much!! It's you ladies who have supported me the most I'd say<3(: