two of my childhood friends are pregnant. which has me thinking about a kid. i coincidentally came across a baby book with bible names. and here are my top names...


since the seattle best friend has come back i've been returning to my roots as for friends. i must admit that there's nothing better than having friends with a history...
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news flash!
i ended up cracking his rib.

tonight's a huge grad party for my two cousins. so everyone is on ultra-anal-mode. expect rants later.
-everyone meets the crippled tonight.

by the way, my best friend spent her birthday in the slammer. or at least the most of it. i'm ready to kick some seventeen-year-old ass.

*long fuckin' sigh.
things are good.
spending time with people who have expiration dates on guam suck.
oceana and ernest left. it wasn't as hard as i thought it would be.
best friend jenn comes back in a day. it provides some comfort when everyone seems to be leaving me.
at least for a little bit until she leaves again.
did i mention that living on an island...
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my car is out of commission.
i'm in debt with school.
i have a ridiculous late fee from the library.
oceana and ernest leave in less than a week for mass.
i'm sick as fuck.
the cops came and yelled at us. for NOt breaking the law....masked his hatred for metal with disorderly conduct.
Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard Haggard

I love that word.

did you crash your car? or did it just die?

i'm sick as fuck.

after about half a dozen mugs of tea, a night of just sitting in, watching law and order and babying from friends, i'm still sick as ever.

*i think i'm bad luck for the boy.
Brown and Agile Child

Brown and agile child, the sun which forms the fruit
And ripens the grain and twists the seaweed
Has made your happy body and your luminous eyes
And given your mouth the smile of water.

A black and anguished sun is entangled in the twigs
Of your black mane when you hold out your arms.
You play in the sun as...
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thank you...you are very nice wink
thank you thank you wink biggrin
i've always hated rodents but i had a conversation with the boy and i suffer from rodentophobia. he was mentioning how much he loves them and i gagged because i kept thinking about them too much.
and to top things off, i was driving on the road today and saw a rat run across the road. i screamed and nearly veered off the road. my...
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i went to pick him up and he walked out with a neck brace and a huge fuckin' cast. and further into the evening, i discovered a swollen elbow, multiple scratches and sore ribs. i could never be that sympathetic girlfriend who's always like "oh baby, this" or "oh baby are you okay?". i don't know what it is. everytime he said something stupid, i...
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tacky? i'm a pretty dark chestnut brown naturally. i think red would look pretty good, but i don't want to do any unnatural colors, at least not right now. i'd like to stay on my dad's good side at least until i've moved out haha. thanks for commenting. take care.
no other sg's from Guam? haha, guess you'd be pushin your luck ey.

Err, I haven't met up with any yet, but I do speak to a few, they aren't from Melbourne, they are up North, so I might go see a ew later in the year
holy shitty fuck.

i just wrote an extremely long and detailed entry only to have it vanish. i want to fuckin' slap technology in the face sometimes. sometimes.

i welcome everyone to shit all over my yesterday.

+my friend gets a ticket while driving my car.
+my best friend comes to pick me up for lunch after having not seen each other for over a month, despite living on the same damn island. she does so to reveal to me that she's going active instead of reserve and doesn't plan on coming back...
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