So. My infection was getting better with the nurses coming twice a day and being on the antibiotics. I finally started to feel a little better. My last dose of antibiotics was yesterday morning at 7 a.m. My fever is back now and my incision is getting red and swollen again.
It hurts. I also was showering and felt something on the other side of my incision, I checked it out in the mirror and thought there was just something on me and I went to get it off and pulled what turned out to be the "stitches" that were supposed to disolve and made that open a bit and bleed so now there is another thing that needs to be watched. Ugh. Really? What the... Jack is amazingly awesome and perfect. SO super cute and mellow. I love cuddling him. I can't even put into words how much I love him. I just want to hold him all the time. He is 4.14 oz. now. Yay!! I want to feel better so I can enjoy him more and more. At some point this will all be over.
Edit: My doctor called a bit freaked out. I have an appointment at 12:30. If my fever spikes or I feel worse before then I have to go straight to the ER.

Edit: My doctor called a bit freaked out. I have an appointment at 12:30. If my fever spikes or I feel worse before then I have to go straight to the ER.
ouch that sucks. get well and enjoy your baby.
he's really gorgeous
congrats girl.