Friday is "magic" day or it's the plan anyway. If I stay stable and so does baby Jack they will induce me on Friday. If I get worse or he shows signs of not being okay they'll take him sooner. The steroids have had their time to kick in so he has a much better chance of not needing a lot breathing assistance so that makes me feel better. If by some chance or miracle I get better they will wait even longer to deliver him. I am not feeling good at all though. It sucks. I can't get comfortable and last night my bp started to rise. Only time will tell. I met with Pedi docs and I got to tour the NICU last night so I am feeling better prepared than I was. I saw a baby who is about the same size he will be. She was so tiny. I know he's going to do great though. I am just trying to stay relaxed and focused on the good stuff. Thank you for thinking of us. I'll keep you all posted.