She has been on life support the past couple days to see if there was any way to bring her back. Yesterday we got the news that she no longer has any brain activity so last night we had to pull the plug. It's been a rough couple days for me. I just had seen her a couple days prior and we promised to make a vegan thanksgiving dinner with her and her roommates (who are a lot good friends of mine). Unfortunately that's not going to happen now because she's no longer with us. This is such a travesty. I tell you this everyone to say, please, watch how you drive in the rain. Please try to at a safe speed in the rain because this 16yr old kid who hit my friend was still only going the speed limit and it was all just an accident but he could barely see because of the weather conditions. Her parents do have a Gofundme account, if you'd love to help please message me and I'll. Give you the page .