Long time no update..
Still doing stuff to the house, (slowly), looks like I'll be moving from my current company to a new one after they took over our NHS contract... Still. same money, and decent package so can't complain, and I get to stay in Leeds.
Not much else, went to Amsterdam for my birthday, which was nice.. No weed at all either.. *shrug*...
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Still doing stuff to the house, (slowly), looks like I'll be moving from my current company to a new one after they took over our NHS contract... Still. same money, and decent package so can't complain, and I get to stay in Leeds.
Not much else, went to Amsterdam for my birthday, which was nice.. No weed at all either.. *shrug*...
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Fine, I came back afterall...
It was a good deal!
It was a good deal!
where do you work? x
Sorry, the new site design is just too much.
I'm off, the last 4 years have been a blast, but now I can't even get at the content.
I'm off, the last 4 years have been a blast, but now I can't even get at the content.
Hey Ho.
Cat's off at a work's christmast do.. so heaven know's what time she'll be back tonight then, if at all...
Looks like we are moving into a phase of "generating-work" at the office. It's a slump in deployments between here and March? April? So that means that we've got to justify our existance between then and now.
Not to fear however, there is...
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Cat's off at a work's christmast do.. so heaven know's what time she'll be back tonight then, if at all...
Looks like we are moving into a phase of "generating-work" at the office. It's a slump in deployments between here and March? April? So that means that we've got to justify our existance between then and now.
Not to fear however, there is...
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ive not come across any japanese wiskey before, but i hear its one to try.
Happy holidays!

Happy holidays!

Oh, times of change, times of change.
Looking for a house right now. Looking good for something in the right price range, and in the right area. Should have something sorted soon.
Work, work is looking a bit odd at the moment. We've hit an unexpected quiet spot, which is going to mean that lots of people are rolling off. I hope I can...
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Looking for a house right now. Looking good for something in the right price range, and in the right area. Should have something sorted soon.
Work, work is looking a bit odd at the moment. We've hit an unexpected quiet spot, which is going to mean that lots of people are rolling off. I hope I can...
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Moving. Don't remind me

Just back from New-Zealand. 50 hours flying in one week.. erp!
Very tired, but had an OK time, nice place, etc
Parents a pain in the ass as always, but I'm sure they'll get better once they decide what the hell they are doing.
Very tired, but had an OK time, nice place, etc
Parents a pain in the ass as always, but I'm sure they'll get better once they decide what the hell they are doing.
woah, New Zealand huh? sounds excellent. parents are meant to be a pain in the ass once you've grown up, you spent most of your child hood being one to them 

Thanks to those guys who wished me happy birthday!!!
I'm currently on my way to bed, full of good food and Bollinger, which is nice, though making me feel a little sick!
Got to go to Peterborough tomorrow for work..Sucks.
Ah well
Thanks to those guys who wished me happy birthday!!!
I'm currently on my way to bed, full of good food and Bollinger, which is nice, though making me feel a little sick!
Got to go to Peterborough tomorrow for work..Sucks.
Ah well
holy shit! peterborough! man, that does suck.
Hello! Seems I'm a bit late to wish you happy birthday but, hell, hope you had fun. Were you on the vouch list for SGUK? Man, if I'd have known I would have vouched for you for sure. We should meet properly soon. Hope all is good.
Ah, my friend Laura is back this weekend from her 6 month stint in Greece as a holiday rep... Wild.. I don't know how she does it. I'd be dead in a week.
Quiet lunchtime pint.
Quiet lunchtime pint.
Happy birthday!!

happy birthday dude 

Anyone want to vouch me into SGUK?
Currently sat in my Hotel room in London. In the barbican, which is a fucking rough area.
My friend Cadwel, went to the manchester SGUK meet, very jealous, I can't seem to get back on that group.
Got a shitty day tomorrow, some sort of induction training.. Blergh.
My friend Cadwel, went to the manchester SGUK meet, very jealous, I can't seem to get back on that group.
Got a shitty day tomorrow, some sort of induction training.. Blergh.
It's right by the main train station, and kinda static in the harbour... We laughed a lot just because of the name..
To be honest, it's probably more of a novelty than a "good hotel", but the rooms looked perfectly serviceable etc. It's also close to the red light district, the centre of town, and best of all "Nemo", which is like Eureka in halifax, with lots of things to play with.
So yeah, you'll have fun there.
Nice flat by the way!