For the first time in months, I've got some perspective. I couldn't be fucking happier about it. A thousand thanks to those who were patient enough to walk through the process with me, you know who you are. Lots of respect. Now that one situation has been settled in the romance department, we can get moving on with much funner stuff. Also.. side note, but I didn't really think that "funner" was actually word, but low and behold- my normally over active spell check seems to think it's ok. hahah.. who knew. Now ... well hell, I've got to run.. but in the mean time... here's this...

annnnd when Fight Club fights back

annnd Ms. Innocence
oh... the other version..

annnnd when Fight Club fights back

annnd Ms. Innocence
oh... the other version..

You are innocent and beautiful
. Brutally beautiful 

I love that movie...and that scene is insane!!