Tonights' Fight Night at Wild Bills. hahah.. how funny is that? I'm so stoked actually.... and well- I love saying that... Tonight! Fight Night at Wild Bills! hahah.. so rad in such a redneck way. I love Georgia. I'm excited to check it out, since I haven't gotten to see anything live. I went on the great hunt for the UFC PPV fight on Sat.. but not one place in my neighborhood was showing it. Which was frustrating to say the least. For love of god, my friend in IRAQ caught the last half of the fight... yet, here.... no bueno. AWWW sweet irony. Anyway... tonight's the long night at work, finalizing ads, and making sure everyone's current and what not. Exciting stuff, let me tell you. hahah.. I don't mind. I don't really have a whole lot going on other then work, fight club and hanging out with Alex & my friend Ali. Getting closer to the move in date for my new place. Which is sorta the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel of transition. I can officially mark another week off the August countdown... and well... the family is still going strong in the race to win the award for the nuttiest familia, but I sorta knew that was going to happen anyway- so thats not much of a shock. The BFF is now preggo with her 4th kid... to which I promptly had to laugh and tell her she's officially got a litter of kids. hahah I love that girl. Well, that's it. I'm off..

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