HAHAHAHAHA... how funny
So the location under the SG tag on my profile picture, has been updated. When I first came on board as an SG, it never even crossed my mind that I might be moving back to Georgia. Sooooooo..... imagine the giggles, when I realized that now I was Savana, Georgia. HA. Well that just makes all kinds of sense now doesn't it.
Alright, I"m off. I'm making my way through my last day of work (work HAAAAARDDDD eh?) and then trying to get the last bit of things done, while still trying to catch up with people and say good bye. Whew.
Kai Bye
So the location under the SG tag on my profile picture, has been updated. When I first came on board as an SG, it never even crossed my mind that I might be moving back to Georgia. Sooooooo..... imagine the giggles, when I realized that now I was Savana, Georgia. HA. Well that just makes all kinds of sense now doesn't it.
Alright, I"m off. I'm making my way through my last day of work (work HAAAAARDDDD eh?) and then trying to get the last bit of things done, while still trying to catch up with people and say good bye. Whew.
Kai Bye

I have stuff to mail you when you get settled in Georgia..
It's things that should have gone out to you at Christmas