We got CAH-REAMED last night.... and I loved every fucking minute of it. The nerves, the anxiety.. the knowledge that your blowing it and the jammer for the other team just smoked you.... ALL OF IT. It was sucha great experience to learn where our strengths were, and what we needed to work on. It was gnarly to finally take some hits from girls you don't know and love .. if that makes sense. I mean.. .our team is close knit. We do just about everything together and honestly, I think I've got 1 non-derby friend left, and I'm holding on to her for dear life. hahaha.. BUT at the same time, there's a catch to being so close to your teammates and it's the fact that you really don't go balls out on the blocking at every practice, so when you add a new team into the mix- you end up like Smokey and getting knocked the fuck out. Whew!! I'm so thankful these girls came down here to scrimmage us, cause if we had to have Ventura be our first time playing with another team, that would be a bit rough. hahahhh *sigh* On the bright side, we can ONLY get better...... and I'm looking forward to that. I've GOT to work on not spazzing out and forgetting everything I learned. hahaha.. Things were looking up in the last half.... but man oh man.. I feel like I spent most of my time on the ground, on sprinting to catch back up with the pack (which felt like it was going Mock 12) hahah.. Ok, well.. damn- another day, another practice. Let's see where this adventure takes us. In other news (shocking right??? Life outside of Derby?!?!) the amazing GlennSweet and I are working on a plan for another set. That's exciting right??!? haha.... hopefully we can photoshop out the bruises... and maybe make mah ta-ta's double D's. hahah.. I'm Kidding
Umm.. about the boobs, not the bruises. I've got matching ones on either hip right now, and a still-forming one on my actual hip bone from getting flattened last night. It's a strange world I'm living in right now... hahah

Glad derby's being all good to you