I know I'm being stupid about this but I can't help it. I just get so frustrated when people contribute NOTHING to our team but yet feel somehow justified to ride our coat-tails when perks come available. Its so fucked up. My Derby team (and really ALL derby teams) work there asses off to make there teams, not only a successfull league- but a thriving community of girls that work hard & play hard. People don't understand how much of a time & financial comittment this is, with pratice, league meetings, committee meetings, event planning & execution, working various events for charity, supporting other derby leagues with there events, etc. It's a full time job on top of my 9-5 full time job and I love every minute of it. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for the girls I spend almost everyday with, for those girls that have had my back when I was stuck behind a wall of blockers, or have given up entire weeknds to volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club. So when girls, who dropped off the radar in the first 2 months of the league forming- suddenly reappear wanting free tickets to this big event were bouting at this weekend.... I just get so frustrated. The thing is is that we're bouting at the Monetery Music Festival Sat & Sunday. All the girls are excited, are affilitates are excited... then there's this chick. Everytime a post is made in our private forum, she's the first post under the announcement stating she wants a free ticket to see the bands.... When I mentioned to her yesterday that tickets are available for players and committee folk and that she might have to by her ticket... she actually had the nerve to get fucking snotty with me. I couldn't believe it. I just let it be cause it's not in my best interest to start something with her right now, when all my focus is on going to Ventura next weekend... and since I'm on the Travel team, I don't think our Coach would look to kindly on me geting rowdy over something that really shouldn't bother me this much. Our Coach is very serious about how the league conducts itself, and more so- the Travel team. She always says... "on the track is one thing but off the track- you will respect your fellow derby girl" Anyway... I hate that I'm annoyed with this... I HATE that everytime we have an event, long lost peoplep pop up out of nowehere and get a free ride to whatever it is that were doing. I HATE.. THAT I HATE THIS. I know that it shouldn't bother me, I KNOW that, at the end of the day... none of this matters, and I know that the issue is totally mine, and I'm trying to work through it. It's just been building up over the last week cause this girl has been front and center for everything regarding the festival this weekend. And I know it's not cause she wants to come support the team, I overheard her (I work with her) talking to the ad rep, trying to get free fucking tickets to the event... just cause she wants to see the bands. Which is great, get on with your bad self, but don't fucking use us in the process. ARGH. I have got to get over this. I'll go crazy if I keep carrying this around.... so with that said & done, does anyone know what kind of wheels work best on polished concrete floors? I really don't want to wear my Cannibals on the track surface (I'm saving them for Ventura) BUT still want something that will have SOME stick....... whew, tomorrows going to be a loooong day.
Sweetie I know EXACTLY what you're going through!
maybe this will cheer you up a lil ..Love you darlin