Good grief, things have been crazy.
First... I never thought I'd say this- but Roller Derby has actually improved my relationship with zzeeee boy. He's been racing Dirtbikes forever, and basically lives, eats & breathes it- and I kinda didn't really care until Derby came along. Now I get it- he'll critique my blocking form and I'll critique his jumps, we compare whoever did the National Anthem at our respective events... we respect the time, money and energy that goes along with both. I've got to say, who knew. Roller Derby brought out a side in me I tired to surpress for years, it brought me some of the greatest friends I've ever met, it took a booty & made it bootylicious (I can't believe I just used that word, hhaha.. dork) AND it's brought about a better understanding in my home life. Crazy eh?
I never thought I'd do this, but I actually just bought something from the SG shop. How funny, eh? I've been a member forever, and now a proud SG- and I JUST got around to shopping. I'm kinda slow with this whole online shopping thing anyway.. so *insert Little Mermaid soundtrack* IT"SSS AAA WHOOOLLLLEE NEEWW WOOORRLLDDD...... haha whatever, yeah- I own the soundtrack. Fuck off. I've been kicken ass since before half of you were born, I've earned the right to enjoy a little disney now and again.
I'm finally getting a chance to shoot some new photos. Nothing in the way of an SG set at the moment, but hopefully that will happen soon to. Shooting a set is alot like getting a tattoo, as soon as you get one- you can't wait to get another. It's the karmic wheel of life.
I think I'm going to finally set up a wish list- not relaly cause I think I'm so super cool ane people should by me stuff, but mostly cause I've got alot of wishes, might as well start sharing them. In return, I'm curious as to what you guys wish about? Mine change daily... but I love each and every wish equally. haha
A friend of mine is very very ill. We are waiting on the word back on her. There's more to it to be honest, but I think leaving it at she's ill- is more respectful. There's alot of love and light that I'm sending her, and I know she's surronded by people who will help her get well.
I'm finally getting a chance to work on my tattoos- I've got my right arm to finish, the back of my legs to get done, and a chest peice that I CAN NOT wait to get moving on. In between dreaming about Derby.. there's clips of being at the tattoo shop.
Last but not least, I'm forcing myself to get back to the gym. I've got about 15lbs to get rid of... little bastards- they hitched a ride a few months ago- and I haven't really been motivated to kick them out. Till now. *insert voice overlay saying DOOM DOOM DOOM"
I guess that's it for now. I know it's not as funny as the "Hula Pie" or the "Save the Chicken" Adventures we've had in the past but it felt good to just chit chat.
First... I never thought I'd say this- but Roller Derby has actually improved my relationship with zzeeee boy. He's been racing Dirtbikes forever, and basically lives, eats & breathes it- and I kinda didn't really care until Derby came along. Now I get it- he'll critique my blocking form and I'll critique his jumps, we compare whoever did the National Anthem at our respective events... we respect the time, money and energy that goes along with both. I've got to say, who knew. Roller Derby brought out a side in me I tired to surpress for years, it brought me some of the greatest friends I've ever met, it took a booty & made it bootylicious (I can't believe I just used that word, hhaha.. dork) AND it's brought about a better understanding in my home life. Crazy eh?
I never thought I'd do this, but I actually just bought something from the SG shop. How funny, eh? I've been a member forever, and now a proud SG- and I JUST got around to shopping. I'm kinda slow with this whole online shopping thing anyway.. so *insert Little Mermaid soundtrack* IT"SSS AAA WHOOOLLLLEE NEEWW WOOORRLLDDD...... haha whatever, yeah- I own the soundtrack. Fuck off. I've been kicken ass since before half of you were born, I've earned the right to enjoy a little disney now and again.

I'm finally getting a chance to shoot some new photos. Nothing in the way of an SG set at the moment, but hopefully that will happen soon to. Shooting a set is alot like getting a tattoo, as soon as you get one- you can't wait to get another. It's the karmic wheel of life.
I think I'm going to finally set up a wish list- not relaly cause I think I'm so super cool ane people should by me stuff, but mostly cause I've got alot of wishes, might as well start sharing them. In return, I'm curious as to what you guys wish about? Mine change daily... but I love each and every wish equally. haha
A friend of mine is very very ill. We are waiting on the word back on her. There's more to it to be honest, but I think leaving it at she's ill- is more respectful. There's alot of love and light that I'm sending her, and I know she's surronded by people who will help her get well.
I'm finally getting a chance to work on my tattoos- I've got my right arm to finish, the back of my legs to get done, and a chest peice that I CAN NOT wait to get moving on. In between dreaming about Derby.. there's clips of being at the tattoo shop.
Last but not least, I'm forcing myself to get back to the gym. I've got about 15lbs to get rid of... little bastards- they hitched a ride a few months ago- and I haven't really been motivated to kick them out. Till now. *insert voice overlay saying DOOM DOOM DOOM"
I guess that's it for now. I know it's not as funny as the "Hula Pie" or the "Save the Chicken" Adventures we've had in the past but it felt good to just chit chat.
That's cool that you are able to tap into something that releases a part of you that has been suppressed. Can I become a RollerGirl?
I am now singing Little Mermaid