I get it now. I get why girls are drawn to Derby. Besides being such an amazingly good workout- it constantly pushes you further. Your constantly striving to play smarter, hit harder, skate stronger and work it all out in front of the public eye. I've never been more proud and more thankful to have been lucky enough to meet the girls that I have.. and hahah.. um.. can you tell I'm still glowing from last night? I've never felt such a sense of acomplishment as I do now. It wasn't just about the bout last night for me, I had to work out some serious "stage fright" and anxiety before I could even think about being a productive member of the team...and I did, and I didn't have to do it alone. There were a couple other girls that were working it out to, and in the end we sorta helped each other through it. We did it. We faced it, and we overcame it and it feel s fucking incredible. Anyway- I know I'm babbling but I'm just so happy.. and still a little groggy. haha... Ok.. I'll come back to this but for now, here's one picture of the girls vs KDON and SC Skateshop
they set it up so that the girls vs girls went the first half, then the insured girls vs KDON.
At this point there aren't a whole bunch photos up of the night yet... but there will be

they set it up so that the girls vs girls went the first half, then the insured girls vs KDON.
At this point there aren't a whole bunch photos up of the night yet... but there will be

Jesus ef, I miss derby so much my hematoma aches just thinking about it! Thanks for the rad video!
Thank you
fine lady Savana