Okkk you guys- until I get my CD player in my car fixed, I'm going to be freakishly up to date on current events. Since the only thing I can tolerate on the radio is Talk Radio... which is really ironic since I would've commited various crimes when I was younger in order to NOT listen to talk radio.... but it's either that or rocking out to bringing sexy back or worse, listening to one of 50 mexican stations. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against either types of music, it's just not my thing. Anyway... soooo on the way to work they were talking about this couple that's making headlines cause apparantly the lady who called off there pending marraige is now being sued by the would be husband. He's suing her to recoup financial losses accumalated over the course of there relationship... (*side note... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you can DO that? WTF?) anyway *deep breath* apparantly he saying that he spent all this money on a past trip/ vacation to alaska, a vasectomy and other various things that he "wouldn't have done had it not been for the pending marriage plans" now here's the greatest thing I've ever heard in my lifetime.... the judge ruled that she wouldn't have to pay up due to her having never issued a "money back guaruntee" FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. In other news.. .the guy who decided to sue for millions of dollars over a dry cleaner having lost pants.... just deserves a slap in the face. For real. Not a pansy verbal slap either... a real life, what the fuck are you thinking you greedy lumberjack kind of slap. Last but not least, America's Tart... Paris Hilton is released from her oh so hardcore prison sentence today. Look out world.. the streets are once again, a dangerous place to be.
I'm sooo jealous about the practice part, still counting the days till I can rumble.