Just got back from a weekend in Desert Hot Springs... fun fun fun. There really isn't anything to do but drink, sleep, swim, eat and venture into the thriving town of Indio for an exciting romp at Aqua Caliente Casino.. which of course,is where I promptly lost $60 while Jason naturally won over $200 on bar Keno (YES, bar freaking KENO). What the hell?? hahah.... outside of the random relationship blow out we had on Sunday (hey, we're only human... love each other and all but when you put to highly independent people side by side for 4 days straight, someone's bound to snap) this time around it was both of us. Which I guess is nice, so instead of one person freaking out and being dubbed "the bad guy" for the remainder of the trip... we both got to wear the LAME crown for a couple of hours. haha.. The way home was great too, since instead of being in a rush, we just sorta lolli-gagged on the way back home and got to stop off and visit Jason's Dad, who is probably the coolest guy you could ever imagine having as a dad. If you don't believe me just Google Chris Gallucci, Shambala- see what comes up. Well, I guess that it's for now... I've got a couple of days of work to catch up on... so I should get cracken. Also, I ordered my skates for Derby and am beyond excited. Hopefully they'll be here in time for practice tomorrow *fingers crossed*
Did you get skates from that site?
AND D20.... I KNOW! hahahah.. both vacation and derby have made me almost giddy.. which is weird for me. I usually run even kilter with slightly insane, total riot or dead tired..... hahah.. being giddy is a whole new slice of pie for me... I hope I do it correctly