Things That Bug:
1. Keep Tahoe Blue stickers on the back of SUV's
2. Paris Freaking Hilton. Seriousy, will someone throw the book at her already?
3. Lazy Bums.... get to work and stop making excuses!
4. Anyone who thinks there all that. We all eat, sleep & die- so get over yourself already
5. 19 year old co-workers.
6. Ad Directors
7. People Who Can't Take A Joke
Well damn.. looks like I've run out of material. I'm sure there's more but currently.. that's all I've got.
Things That Rule:
1. Fridays
2. Cocktails
3. Loud Punk Rock (yum)
4. Spooky Dollss
5. Sushi...
666. mmmmmmmmm sushi.....
Bring on the noise!!!!!
hahaha- sorry, yesterday I rocked the 14 hour day- and today have over shot my goal of simply "waking up with coffee" to cracked outta my head... looks like were in for a live one! Ohhh yeeeeeaaaaaaahhh...
1. Keep Tahoe Blue stickers on the back of SUV's
2. Paris Freaking Hilton. Seriousy, will someone throw the book at her already?
3. Lazy Bums.... get to work and stop making excuses!
4. Anyone who thinks there all that. We all eat, sleep & die- so get over yourself already
5. 19 year old co-workers.
6. Ad Directors
7. People Who Can't Take A Joke
Well damn.. looks like I've run out of material. I'm sure there's more but currently.. that's all I've got.
Things That Rule:
1. Fridays
2. Cocktails
3. Loud Punk Rock (yum)
4. Spooky Dollss
5. Sushi...
666. mmmmmmmmm sushi.....
Bring on the noise!!!!!
hahaha- sorry, yesterday I rocked the 14 hour day- and today have over shot my goal of simply "waking up with coffee" to cracked outta my head... looks like were in for a live one! Ohhh yeeeeeaaaaaaahhh...
and yes, #3 is dead on. i live on haight st, so every day i have to deal with kids my age begging for change. perfectly capable people who are just lazy as hell. boo.