par foe the fucking course, another big let down. jes isnt gonna come over 2nite.the pirfect end to a shitty day.
she says her dad was in a car accident, which i truely wanna belive, but considering she stood me up on our first 2 dates, then we went on to great 1s, its hard to belive. it figures. everytime i give my heart to someone i get hurt. she swares she will make it up 2 me.we shal see, a love her but this is her last shot, she has 3 days, then i am done.
she says she whants to b with me and all but she has a really funny way of showing it, i hardly hear from her, durring the week, but then again we do work opposit scheduals, so i can accept that, but i am beginning 2 have second thaughts.
she says her dad was in a car accident, which i truely wanna belive, but considering she stood me up on our first 2 dates, then we went on to great 1s, its hard to belive. it figures. everytime i give my heart to someone i get hurt. she swares she will make it up 2 me.we shal see, a love her but this is her last shot, she has 3 days, then i am done.
she says she whants to b with me and all but she has a really funny way of showing it, i hardly hear from her, durring the week, but then again we do work opposit scheduals, so i can accept that, but i am beginning 2 have second thaughts.
Aw...I hate having to take that "deadline" step. I did recently. But once it's done, I feel much better....I remember that, as much as I'd love to have someone, I can still rely on myself.

good luck.