This is how it's gonna be.

I will update this when Story tells me to. Otherwise I really don't see the point and my membership is going to run out any day now anyway. I may "cameo" in his journal with little nuggets of witty gold, but other than that, I'm done here.
I imagine myself emerging from a dark watery prison only to find myself facing the sun in a hot, stale environment. This isn't a bad thing, by any means. Warmth is nice after being cold for so long. It is just unfamiliar to not face a new spring, but rather a recycled summer.

Enough pseudo philisophical pandering
Let's get down to brass tacks

Do any...
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I wonder where a guy, an average joe like myself, can find a little, ooooo action?

edit: less LAZY BASTARD than usual

[Edited on Feb 11, 2004 3:14PM]
I do currently face a dilemma. Whenever I am in french class learning, all the words come out as spanish in my head. Hopefully this will go away soon.

Not a large, ground shaking dilemma, but still slightly troubling.

I feel justified in bringin' my whine-on into this place so get ready to feel it!
What better place to post your most debilitating psychological dramas...
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Update your damn journal. And post in mine already!

edit: lazy bastard!

[Edited on Feb 04, 2004 5:40PM]
Here's something possibly profound I just imagined:
If you think about it in the old testament sort of way, god gave us free will, while the devil gave us intelligence.
Hoooooooo! Pretentious!

Let's see, what else. New beginnings, new hope. Ole' Gil has finally turned the corner.

Who the hell am I typing this for anyway?! No one reads this except Story, and I could...
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well, actualy, no. the devil gave us knowledge, which isn't quite the same thing as intelligence. but yeah.
Well this is your old pal Story again. Savage Henry instructed me to let all you kiddies know that he had run off to Mexico for a couple of weeks. So im sure that hes having a blast doing all the things a young, american male is supposed to do south of the border: getting robbed, drinking mescal, buying shitty nick-nacks, purchasing cage dancers for...
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........just then the young boy stopped. Everything moving around him seemed to slow down. People spoke in that ridiculous fashion when the sound in a movie is slowed down and each sylable is streched out over an inordinate amout of time. The cars on the street almost seemed to stand still. For a full minute the boy wondered if he should move a stray dog out of the way of a car that would almost certainley be the dogs destroyer had time been moving in its proper fashion. But the boy thought better of it. It was not up to him to change these things, though he didnt know why. Worries of this nature would be delt with another time. For now more pressing matters were at hand.
He had been given goals to accomplish, with greath reward, or fail at, with great retribution, while the Other was away. But he began to suspect that fate, and perhaps the town itself, had conspired against him to prevent this from happening. At every turn, it seemed, there were beings or situations that kept him from attaining his appointed tasks. Whether the beings were friend or foe. Whether the situation was accidental or self made. The fact remained, the boy would have to overcome these obstacles and face the demons that held him back. And soon, for the Other would return before the moon was new........................
.........Lazy bronze bastard!
{I begin again. I need to get out of my own way and just do this. The best material is that which is unscripted, unplanned. Fresh, unrefined, rough. All words to describe an idea that juts into my head, ready to be spoken aloud. The problem comes from trying to process the idea. trying to package it, distribute it, sell it. Something is lost then....
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Yor sitll a lazy bsatard!!!!!!
but im glad your wrighting.

[Edited on Dec 21, 2003 6:05PM]
Youre still really god damn lazy.
This is Storybook speaking. Anything written form here on out will be Savage_Henry, but I just need to say that I got him this account so that he could develop his writing so please, give him some good constructive critisism on anything he writes in here.
See Above Post.
Forgiveness please

I almost have something done