here i am, never fear. blah. i'm in a down mood for the time being. It sucks here right now. all of my friends are either moving away or are on holidays, so there is nobody here for me to hang out with. all i have been doing is sitting at this goddamn computer drinking beer for the past month. you'd think that being on the computer all of the time would mean that i am talking to my friends and other regular joe's, but no. Have you ever noticed that despite the size of the internet, there is really nobody to talk to? by that i mean that there is nobody to have a meaningful conversation with. there is a ton of the "how are you?" "you're hot" "lets fuck" conversations, but nothing meaningful or worthwhile. wow, i sound negative, rad. enough of this shit.
How the hell is everyone doing? nothing really exciting has happened here recently, nothing at all. work has gotten a whole lot busier. 3 new ships arrived so we have shitloads of steel to deal with. other than that...pretty non-exciting life.
I am going to see Cradle of Filth on the 11th of feb. I have 2 tickets but only one me. if you are in vancouver and want to go, let me know. i need a partner in crime for that night. lots of drinks will be had. i am excited for that. If anyone wants to talk to me at all, my MSN is as always.
I love you kids. you rock my socks, and all that jazz.
How the hell is everyone doing? nothing really exciting has happened here recently, nothing at all. work has gotten a whole lot busier. 3 new ships arrived so we have shitloads of steel to deal with. other than that...pretty non-exciting life.
I am going to see Cradle of Filth on the 11th of feb. I have 2 tickets but only one me. if you are in vancouver and want to go, let me know. i need a partner in crime for that night. lots of drinks will be had. i am excited for that. If anyone wants to talk to me at all, my MSN is as always.
I love you kids. you rock my socks, and all that jazz.
I'm going to Cradle of Filth too, but I have 0 tickets as of yet.