So whats been happening.......
The most Im looking forward to is my holiday to St Ives in 1 DAYS TIME !!!!!!!

This makes me very happy indeed

Im going to be staying in a cute lil caravan with not a lot of use for technology which im looking forward to being cut off to the world, and part take in lots of exploring,bike rides. walks. surfing and reading of
I have been completely obsessed with the whole series of books. It got to the point where I was falling asleep reading them. Im still undecided if im Team Jacob or Team Edward. They both get on my nerves, Jacob for being childish, and Edward for being so controlling and clingy. But I do know Bella REALLY gets on my nerves. The amount of times Ive wanted to slap her for being such a whiny girl........
I haven't read a book from page to page since that intently
I'm looking forward to finishing Breaking dawn so i can have a Twilight film marathon. Ive been avoiding all of the trailers for Eclipse, I don't want anything to taint the vision in my head. I haven't seen any of the films and I don't want to, until Ive finished the book.
I have much more to update but this will have to wait till after my road trip, I can hear my bath and book calling me.
Untill next week
I recovered fairly well, I actually made it to the pub last night
Enjoy the holiday too. Cornwall is almost as pretty as up here