Saturday night the Real McKenzies were playing a squat in Milan, the Leonkavallo. The McKenzies are a band of Scottish/Canadian folks playing street-punk mixed with bagpipes and traditional songs. They play in full celtic tartan kilt, with no underwear on. They are simply amazing, and their last album, caleld "10,000 shots, has been declared "my album of the month for september 2005". It's just come out, go check it out. Do it.
Here's a couple of pics. these guys are wild. And if you check out their website, you'll find better pics of the bagpiper, Matt MacNasty. Girls will love him. Do it.

more pics...
We came back at 2.30 am (leonkavllo won't start gigs til midnight! ehehe!), but were up at 9.30, cause the sun was shining and we decided to take a trip to Castellarquato (Piacenza), a nice fortified fortress/burg dating back to 1500 (but it saw its zenith in 1700, with the Visconti families running the place). It was above any expectation of coolness, the burg is so nice, and we went of top of the tower. Here's some more pics.
The entrance to the old burg. A whole part of the town (placed on top of a small hill) was fortified.
Main square. On the left, the church. On front, the city hall!
Sight from the high tower of the keep. The thing in the background is the cemetary!
Someone actually lives in all these houses! This one has a cool fountain / water-source beneath it.
Loving sights of "true italy": a stack of salami hand right out of a bar's door! I got hit by them while i was entering the door,to get an ice-cream (you see the ice-creamlist on the left). For fanatics, i got a Solero.
So, well. I had a very nice weekend. Music and medieval stuff. Let's hope the next one will be as good. Oh, uhm. I will be on ambulance duty on friday night and the whole of sunday-day. Damn. D'oh!
the pics you have are freaking amazing...luckeeeee!!