For those who were not reading my journal in August, the Sziget is a festival held in Budapest every year, 7 days of music (11 stages, 300 bands!), drunkness (beer is at 1 euro per big glass!), love, foolishness, and general good time, with loads of free stuff ad games on top of it.
You will find all the pics by clicking n this folder (and you should really do it, it's a fantastic experience!)
This year was my first time there, and i fell in love with it. my friends did too. so who knows where we'll go next summer? mmm. but we also need some sea. ok, we'll discuss it next summer, fair enough.
now, here are your hosts to the festival guide:

(by the way... please sign a petition to get more pics of this subject on SG! possibly as an SG?

always trust a guy with a pass.
So, well, let's see. I will put a brief description of pics and a spoiler to them, so you won't have to load them if you don't want to.
- This is the HUGE stage, the main one. could cater for 55.000 people in front of it.
- We have no clue who that guy sleeping on the table was. but we abused his body for scientific purposes.
- the campsite was crazy. imagine 15,000 tents, and you could camp it anywhere you liked. no restrictions at all, no rules applied.
- this was the cleaniest TOI TOI (portable toilet - doesn't toi toi mean "pee" in japanese?)
- a new religion was born in the campsite, one night when a guy who looked like jesus walked by. some people followed him to his tent, and built an ALTAR! that was hilarious. everyone left a present for the camping christ. here i am, offering an egg.
- something for the boys: wet t-shirt competition finals! (the girl on the left won... but we all voted for the one on the right! what an unfair world...)
- something for the girls: this herculean guy was drunk as a skunk and went on beating a TREE against the dustbins for like 2 hours. and he looked so happy, doing it! it was fascinating to see. he was trying to imitate the tambours du bronx band.
- a cowboy and a punk. everyone went alogn so well, at the sziget fest.
well, there's many more pics - including live shots of skinny puppy, juliette & the licks, ignite, in the folder. just check them out.
if you need any explanation on the pics... just leave a message
hope you like them! and if you want to see more... uhm,i have 450 more
It scared me too. You'd better have missed me in the process of being scared, or I'll beat you with a stick!