Since i still consider myself on total holiday til Saturday (i was supposed to be in Croatia righ now, after all!), i am keeping the mobile phone shut and just enjoying life. I watched the latest TNA PPV and it was GREAT (Aj Styles vs Samoa Joe is a Match Of The Year Contender), i relaxed at home all day, and then i saw that they were having a preview of Madagascar at the nearby cinema. The movie won't be out in italy til mid-september.
Well, the movie was extremely funny!!! I may have laughed more for this than for Shrek One... ok, the plot is far less complex, but the totally out-of-their-mind characters are soooo funny!!! Funny funny funny! And filled with one-liners.
Cute and cuddly, boys! Cute. And. Cuddly.
I can't decided who the best character was:
the "cute and cuddly" special-operations penguins
or the cute, cuddly, deranged and party-loving lemurs (Sacha Baron Coen is excellent as their King. Hilarious!)
it was amusing to see Alex The Lion behaving exactly liek Ben Stiller (his voice) does. Early on in the movie, you really see stuff that Siller loves doing in his movies, like kung-fu faking and the such.
Here's some more penguins for you.
... or you want lemurs?
mmm. i think the sheer coldness and intelligence of the penguins makes them my faves (they override a cargo boat just by slapping every human on it!)
ps: i turned the phone on for 2 hours just to check if i got any sms messages, and people from the red cross called me three times. I didn't answer, i am on holiday for them too, i officially gave them my holiday plan and they know i am in croatia. Ditto for magazine work. No interviews til next week, no matter who i should be interviewing. They can wait.
Oh, but i received int he mail the new HIM album. That's someone i am going to interview. In mid-september. Not now

Well, the movie was extremely funny!!! I may have laughed more for this than for Shrek One... ok, the plot is far less complex, but the totally out-of-their-mind characters are soooo funny!!! Funny funny funny! And filled with one-liners.
Cute and cuddly, boys! Cute. And. Cuddly.
I can't decided who the best character was:
the "cute and cuddly" special-operations penguins

or the cute, cuddly, deranged and party-loving lemurs (Sacha Baron Coen is excellent as their King. Hilarious!)

it was amusing to see Alex The Lion behaving exactly liek Ben Stiller (his voice) does. Early on in the movie, you really see stuff that Siller loves doing in his movies, like kung-fu faking and the such.
Here's some more penguins for you.

... or you want lemurs?

mmm. i think the sheer coldness and intelligence of the penguins makes them my faves (they override a cargo boat just by slapping every human on it!)

ps: i turned the phone on for 2 hours just to check if i got any sms messages, and people from the red cross called me three times. I didn't answer, i am on holiday for them too, i officially gave them my holiday plan and they know i am in croatia. Ditto for magazine work. No interviews til next week, no matter who i should be interviewing. They can wait.
Oh, but i received int he mail the new HIM album. That's someone i am going to interview. In mid-september. Not now

Happy Birthday 

CIAO!!Innanzi tutto devo ringraziarti assolutamente per il tempo che hai voluto perdere per aiutarmi,sei stato meraviglioso,veramente insperato!!!GRAZIE!Sai,noi facciamo Rock'n'roll,ma purtroppo,il mio inglese,fa parecchia acqua... da tanto che non mi esercito,e per quanto riguarda modi di dire e vocaboli,ho proprio un buco in testa!!!(Sar colpa delle birre e del Jack?)Il gruppo si chiama Titty Twister,e suoniamo in zona Triveneto e Slovenia...sabato 30/10 a Trieste...adesso stiamo costruendo il sito,spero di riuscire a metterci s qualche file audio...grazie ancora INFINITE...rimaniamo in contatto se ti v,ok?