This afternoon i didn't have much to do, so i took the kids (not MY kids, they're just kids, aged 5 and 11) to this famed and talked-about STAR WARS SHOW in Milano. Sadly, it sucked. It was advertised as a mega-exclusive exhibition featuring hundreds of movie props, actual clothes, models, and a big interactive part where you could lit a lightsaber and put Darth Vader's helmet on. The truth, instead, was just two rooms filled with the original clothes and movie props, but it was just two rooms. How long can you spend looking at Lando's ORIGINAL helmet when eh was disguised as one of Jabba's guards? And the different Jedi clothes are nice, ok, but hardly worthy of more than 10 seconds' looks (unless you are desmobile or some nerd like that!). The "light the lightsaber" section consisted in you putting a hand over a plexiglass containing a lightsaber handle, and a neon (yeah, a NEON!) would magically lit up and you'd see on the screen beneath whose saber it'd be. Dooku's and Windu's sabers would not lit up. Screw'em! There was no Darth Vader mask to wear, and nothing else to interact with. So, uhm. I've seen this stuff in the Planet Hollywood windows in London. It was just as exciting. Big thumbs down for this piss-poor exhibition by Lucasfilms, a big scam to milk more money out of the saga.
Now, off to another topic.
If you're wondering where s. is these days, well, she's in Lithuania right now. Ok, i see the puzzled looks "lithium what?". So here is where that little eastern europe nation is:

and this is what the CIA (!!!) has to say about it:
Independent between the two World Wars, Lithuania was annexed by the USSR in 1940. On 11 March 1990, Lithuania became the first of the Soviet republics to declare its independence, but Moscow did not recognize this proclamation until September of 1991 (following the abortive coup in Moscow). The last Russian troops withdrew in 1993. Lithuania subsequently restructured its economy for integration into Western European institutions; it joined both NATO and the EU in the spring of 2004.
Why is she there?
Well, her job is to smuggle peat from those countries. Every now and then, she needs to go right there in person with her boss, and talk a lot of russian to these people and convince them to sell more peat to italy. She stays in decadently rich hotels, eats in the best places, and meets wth the most powerful people. I think that is cool. If i knew ONE word of russian, i'd try to get aboard the peat bandwagon too. LOL.
She'll be back soon, so don't you worry, all you fans of her

(Dusana, she'll surely tell you nice girly stories when she'll be back!)
Ok, that's enough for today

Me hugging Mike
I'm such a sellout!