That's where we'll be tomorrow.
Erm, which sounds cool, but it's not really. This year the lineup of the deco sucks badly, they don't even have a headliner! Previous years saw Pennywise, NoFx, Lagwagon, all heavy-hitters of melodic hardcore. This year... Strung Out? Co-headlining with The Mad Caddies? They are fine bands, but no festival headliners!
And i don't seem to be the only one thinking like this: insider news told me that pre-sale bombed: 300 tickets!!!!!!! We'll be lucky if there's 1,000 people in the arena on the day. The place holds 4,000, it may be a very depressing sight.
Expect news and pics tomorrow night, then. And keep your fingers crossed.
ps: at least the gig poster looks cool! LOL.
Quant a Telephone, tu devrais le telecharger sur un Peer-to-peer network. C'est vraiment pas terrible et me suis toujours demande pourquoi ils avaient eu tant de success. Ils etaient probablement at the right place at the right time comme on dit ici.
Pourquoi Saucisse Danseuse au fait ? La charcuterie et la danse me semblent incompatibles et a l'oppose l'un de l'autre
Amuses-toi bien a ton festival.