In exactly one month, my SG subscription will expire. It's highly likely i won't renew it... sad, but true.
I've been a member for 9 years, but so much has changed in this meanwhile, i shall question if the site is worth the small amount of money i pay monthly with a yearly subscription.
It's been months and months since i watched a set, it's been years since i updated my own blog, it's been a long time since the group i "own" (hey, that's the word SG uses!), SG Italy, has come up with a topic that's been heated and debated with interest - no one even posts anymore on the "thred del diocan"... diocan!
So... why am I here? For all the nostaligc feelings maybe?
In these 9 years i've met a ton of people from the site - especially on that glorious SG ITay meetup at the Rocky Horror Show, something that went down in history for the nation. And then, some more at my birthday, some more at their birthday, some at concerts, some at club events, i've interviewed some of them for this or that magazine... it's been a fun fun ride.
Maybe facebook has 'destroyed' this, since you can keep in touch personally with the people who already know, and fewer people are willing to keep a blog updated or post on a forum. But i'll miss the groups/forums!
Maybe i've overgrown the site, simple as that. But hey, it's been such a fun ride. Thanks for everyone i've met on here and i've traded comments with!
I may be back... who knows. For now, ta-ta! I'm gonna miss you all!