Please allow me a little self-celebrating post... but i've recently celebrated my 50th cover story published on the magazine i write for! Hoooray!

Here's a few pics and a bit of trivia.
First cover: HARDCORE SUPERSTAR (October 2001)
Fiftieth cover: SERJ TANKIAN (January 2008)

Best cover story i wrote: there's many... but i'd go with IRON MAIDEN, just cause i was flown to their british countryside cottage to interivew them. And cause it's very prestigious

The cover story i am ashamed of: Crazy Town. EEEEEEEEEk. I so didn't want it to end up on the cover, but that's not stuff that i decide.
Bands interviewed twice for the cover: Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Dark Tranquillity, Slipknot, Machine Head, Otep.
Photos that *I* took, and used for the cover story: 4 (Arch Enemy, Korn, 2 gods of metal festivals)
Craziest person interviewed for the cover: OZZY OSBOURNE. He set up a very exclusive meeting in London with a few journalists from all over Europe, we get there, listen to the new album... and then he doesn't show up, using his son's appendicitis as an excuse. LOL. We rescheduled it as a phoner interview, but clearly that's not the same thing...

Here's my covers laid out:

A pile of covers:

i am pretty fucking proud of this. cover # 51, 52, 53 and 54 have already been laid down and waiting to be printed. Looking forward to cover story # 100, then!

Metallo negro.