Ok, last music fest for this season. Summer has to end somehow (and i've been working at the shop for 14 days already, and tomorrow i'll do my first night shift on the ambulance after a long break!), and this was the way to go: a ton of bands, a ton of alcohol, and a few suicidegirls
Here's photographic memories of my lucky meetings:
SG Tiffany
words are not enough to describe how goodlooking, interesting and kind she is!
SG Reina
There's a word to describe her: amazing! shame we didn't have more time to chat, and now she's already left for america!
eugene hurtz of gogol bordello. no clue which one of us was drunker.
And now some live pics...
gogol bordello
what a colourful bunch
tying tiffany (yeah, tiffany is in a band, and you should all check out cause the cd is guaranteed to rock your ass!)
three cheers if you can guess who this 59-yo man is...
a weird sighting in the audience
(nooo... i'm not talking about the giant-size chicken, but the guy ing rey... he is the sg member Palcode, a certified heartbreaker on sg chat and in any female sg journal (i am sure most of the female readers of this journal got wet now, after reading his name and seeing a BRAND NEW PIC of him!!!)
one final pic of me and my alcohol of choice, of which i abused during the weekend: maraschino. maraschino is a liqueor for making cakes, but it's 24% and sweet and great by itself. and cheap. i love it.
IN THE MEANWHILE, s. was taking this pic...
in russia... in moscow... san basil cathedral! woah. russia! puts my whole rock in idro weekend into perspective, doesn't it?

Here's photographic memories of my lucky meetings:
SG Tiffany

words are not enough to describe how goodlooking, interesting and kind she is!

SG Reina

There's a word to describe her: amazing! shame we didn't have more time to chat, and now she's already left for america!
eugene hurtz of gogol bordello. no clue which one of us was drunker.

And now some live pics...
gogol bordello

what a colourful bunch

tying tiffany (yeah, tiffany is in a band, and you should all check out cause the cd is guaranteed to rock your ass!)

three cheers if you can guess who this 59-yo man is...

a weird sighting in the audience

(nooo... i'm not talking about the giant-size chicken, but the guy ing rey... he is the sg member Palcode, a certified heartbreaker on sg chat and in any female sg journal (i am sure most of the female readers of this journal got wet now, after reading his name and seeing a BRAND NEW PIC of him!!!)
one final pic of me and my alcohol of choice, of which i abused during the weekend: maraschino. maraschino is a liqueor for making cakes, but it's 24% and sweet and great by itself. and cheap. i love it.

IN THE MEANWHILE, s. was taking this pic...
in russia... in moscow... san basil cathedral! woah. russia! puts my whole rock in idro weekend into perspective, doesn't it?

Thiffany e Reina perch non ne posso fare a meno, i gogol bordello perch me l'hanno detto i miei amici