April started just 4 days ago, and my cd count is already up to 20something! Lately labels have gone crazy on me (and, ok, have gone crazy producing a ton of shit too... why do they waste money!). Yes, for people who left messages wondering where i find the money to buy 50 cds a month: well, i get them for free cause i am a lucky motherfucker, ok? Shoot me!
Off this selection of new cds that i took a humble photo of, i'd strongly recommend:
- LORDI (monster rock and roll... these guys got balls! woah! check them out!)
- VENOM (no need for further explanations)
i was left a bit cold by a couple of cds that i was anticipating... the new IGNITE and BOYSETSFIRE ones. they used to be tough hardtcore bands, they seem to have taken a new direction on the new records, and it's always the same issue: where does band evolution stop, and where does (boring) radical shift in tone kick in?
i also have a cocteau twins double cd. wonder when i should listen to it.
most of the cds i take pics of, are on sale, for like 9 dollars / 6 pounds / 7.50 euros, if anyone is interested, drop me a line
but i also received something totally unexpected: a Lacuna Coil picture disc! they still do them? cool!
here is me with Cristina
and envy of Andrea, who spends a lot of time with Cristina
Apart from this, not much going on lately. Tonight i will go check out a new HUGE shopping centre that was built near here. I don't like shopping or mall-ratting, but i like going to big malls to check out the crazy eating places, sometimes you find amusing and yummy and unusual restaurants! Let's see what i'll find to eat...
Here's another picture of a window of my shop that i just re-did: FIFA world cup anyone? anyone getting excited already? here are the official watches used by referees and in trainings. and some other cool watches with the world cup logo on them. i will keep one for myself actually. anyone else want to buy one? i promise huge discounts for SG members
a sweet goodby from a COGLIONE.
sono un coglione. the italian prime minister said that. co-glio-ne.
i also have a cocteau twins double cd. wonder when i should listen to it.
Early hours of the morning with a glass of wine and a nice young lady on the sofa...
as for the cocteau twins cd, i recommend IMMEDIATE LISTENING. they are quite wonderful, so glad you reminded me about them!