Camera ordered, tracking number received... off to wait by the door.
So, it's taken MONTHS, but my victory over Citicorp is at hand. My stupid Visa card which has been an albatross for years is mere days from being all straightened out, in the last possible second to replace my camera body before the first wedding of the fall. I've had the phone number for Calumet's rental department on hand just in case, as well as...
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I rarely toot my own horn (and I'm modest, too!) but Misa_'s upcoming set (one of 'em, at least) is shaping up to be a masterpiece of geek-porn. I wish I could post previews, but it'll be better to see the whole thing at once anyway.
yeah im excited to see the new set from her lol.. I miss her bunches
Don't we all! She's doing much awesome on the western frontier, though.
I signed on today to find my entire activity popout filled, and then some, with "Poppyupdated her profile." She is an exciting lady, but that's a lot of updating, with additional notifications every minute or so. I've never heard of an SG account being hacked before, and I don't know if this is a glitch or what, but I'm just saying I saw...
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Money doesn't grow on trees, robble robble....
So, the good news is plentiful, but the bad news is pretty darn bad.
I don't have to switch insurance providers! They approved my claim on the break-in within a week, and for pretty much the full amount (minus deductible.) It turns out my company doesn't suck; my last adjustor was just a douche.
So, I could've been...
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you won't?!? whatever happened to suicide boys, anyways? sounds like you could use that nice 500 prize. maybe we'll get a creative prize with this new concoction...

if you don't like your credit card you should get a hello kitty one instead. tongue
thanks glad you think sosmile
http://suicidegirls.com/members/Calista/albums/site/14149/ "Exam Cram" feat. Calista

Not that I'm less unhappy about being robbed and camera-less, but I can't frown on a day like today.
1) Calista's set is up (see above.) Hopefully it'll make all of you smile, too.

2) I'm procrastinating on a photo-restoration (see #3) by editing Misa_'s upcoming set. A lot of geek, a little retro, she's...
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Oh hey, how is the insurance stuff going? My tattoo sure is sore. I have another session on Aug 14th and hopefully my last one on Aug 27th before it's finally finished!
Oh hey, how is the insurance stuff going? My tattoo sure is sore. I have another session on Aug 14th and hopefully my last one on Aug 27th before it's finally finished!
I have to move.
I live in a very low-crime area, and yet, for the second time in 12 months, my apartment has been burglarized, and both times, they took my photo gear. They took my camera. Again. Clearly I have a target painted on my house (specifically, my roommate's unlocked basement window, but that's another matter.) So obviously, my choices are to put bars...
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tonight the best beer is magic hat #9...not quite a pale ale
oh. dear. god.

you need an attack dog. or you need to train widget better. i'm sorry you lost your stuff again. ...thank god they didn't run off with my boobies. did they leave all the other tech stuff again? maybe it's a repeat offender.

mannnn, i liked your place!
I had a good weekend! It came as a bit of a surprise since I've been stuck in a weird frame of mind for weeks, and though I'd hardly say I'm out of it yet, I did what I needed to do with tremendous results:
I pulled enough money out of thin air to get the bills paid, put food in me, AND buy some...
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oh, no problem! i should have brought my stash to you, i have a whole handful i was trying to get rid of.

for some reason the photos you sent me were partially corrupted - 119-177 won't open. this is going to be an email-tastic summer.

SETISGOINGTOBEFABULOUS. both of 'em. plus the one i shot with the boy - a very special yellow mouse is involved.
My ex's ex (as of, oh, twelve hours ago) is using me as breakup counselor.
I could write a book on how fucked-up this is.
All the same, Dave,.... good luck.
this is my onomatopoeiatic response to that:


wanna hang out soon? i feel completely cut off from anyone i don't see on a day-to-day basis due to these internet shenanigans.
I am working my ass off and I have nothing to show for it. This is truly getting ridiculous.
However, since I'm happy to have a job, a home, and no plagues or life-threatening illnesses to speak of, that is all the complaining I'll do today.
okay: fisb - i think probably not, because the boyfriend has to move out of his apartment that weekend and drag everything back to his house. be sure to take lots of pictures of the octopi tattoo, though.
hmm...that's a derned good question - i've definitely been reading more comics than i have been watching anime, although i'm downloading trinity blood right now. i saw one of the voice actors from it speak yesterday and apparently it's supposed to have a "kick-ass" soundtrack. so we'll see if that holds true or not.

something i've been meaning to get back into is speed grapher - utterly ridiculous but completely addictive drama/horror/silly. and it's partially about...bumbumbum....photography!

in the meantime, i'll burn you bebop.