Save Our Swimsuit Calendar!

It's coming along. I'm pointed in the right direction on the sludge recipe, I have the Paypal cart underway to take orders once I'm in the formatting stage, and I think we've got logistics nailed down for the shoot dates (7/25 and 8/8; anybody in the area wants to jump in, PM me!) This is the dumbest idea I've ever had, but I'm glad I have so many people supporting it. Even if the latest cap attempt works, it'll still be years before the full extent of the damage is known and repaired, and who knows if this'll happen again?

It's coming along. I'm pointed in the right direction on the sludge recipe, I have the Paypal cart underway to take orders once I'm in the formatting stage, and I think we've got logistics nailed down for the shoot dates (7/25 and 8/8; anybody in the area wants to jump in, PM me!) This is the dumbest idea I've ever had, but I'm glad I have so many people supporting it. Even if the latest cap attempt works, it'll still be years before the full extent of the damage is known and repaired, and who knows if this'll happen again?