Still thinking about this calendar idea. It seems the consensus (among those who didn't use adjectives like "tasteless" or "disrespectful") is that maaaaaaybe it shouldn't be a calendar. Not only does it confuse the message by making it too officially a pinup project, thereby undermining its artistic and cultural relevance, it also makes the project a package which will long outlive the cause which it is intended to criticize/benefit. I don't know how to respond to that. On one hand, sure, a coffee-table book is awesome, but it raises the price tag and puts it on a shelf instead of on the wall. On the other hand, most people don't think of this as an issue that will have an impact through the next calendar year, which simply isn't the case. Even if cleanup crews miraculously find themselves done before Christmas, the current rate of chemical-dispersant use is going to mess up people's shrimp scampi for a long time to come.
All that being said, I don't want to be dismissed out-of-hand by the more conservative, um, conservationists, so I'm working on broadening the scope of the finished product. At least, as much as I can on my zero-dollar budget (financial backing, thus far, has not been secured, and it seems unlikely that will change.)