Holy shit, this is really happening.
So, that calendar idea I had like two days ago? I have a couple sludge recipes (which I need to test, and I hope the chocolate overwhelms the corn starch,) a perfectly good location, and oh yeah EIGHT MODELS. Thanks in large part to members of Tijuana Sweetheart, as well as a couple other superstar friends, including Kolleen Carney-O'Brien (who organized the local NEDA Walk, register here, ) and other folks who don't have stuff to plug.
So I have most of a dozen. Enough to litter a beach, anyway. I've received encouragement and interest ranging from New York to New Mexico and points kinda between, including Florida (Atlantic coast, lucky them,) to whom I say: If you want to contribute photos, I'll tell you everything I know about mixing your own sludge and you just email me or send me a disc when you've got something. I'll work it in if I can. Maybe sales will expand to limited-edition prints as well?
Anyone who has pointers on the best way to sell an alt-swimsuit calendar for charity (i.e., lowest fees possible without using the trunk of my car) PLEASE let me know. I'm reaching out to possible interested charities this week to see if they want to handle any of it themselves, which would take some of the burden off of me but may also leave me fighting for my (copy)rights, so we'll see about that. Could be my original plan is the best plan.
But oh my god YAY! I am using scantily-clad ladies to save salmon! And herons! And the state that has Mardi Gras! Who knew being such a whacko would be USEFUL?!?!
So, that calendar idea I had like two days ago? I have a couple sludge recipes (which I need to test, and I hope the chocolate overwhelms the corn starch,) a perfectly good location, and oh yeah EIGHT MODELS. Thanks in large part to members of Tijuana Sweetheart, as well as a couple other superstar friends, including Kolleen Carney-O'Brien (who organized the local NEDA Walk, register here, ) and other folks who don't have stuff to plug.
So I have most of a dozen. Enough to litter a beach, anyway. I've received encouragement and interest ranging from New York to New Mexico and points kinda between, including Florida (Atlantic coast, lucky them,) to whom I say: If you want to contribute photos, I'll tell you everything I know about mixing your own sludge and you just email me or send me a disc when you've got something. I'll work it in if I can. Maybe sales will expand to limited-edition prints as well?
Anyone who has pointers on the best way to sell an alt-swimsuit calendar for charity (i.e., lowest fees possible without using the trunk of my car) PLEASE let me know. I'm reaching out to possible interested charities this week to see if they want to handle any of it themselves, which would take some of the burden off of me but may also leave me fighting for my (copy)rights, so we'll see about that. Could be my original plan is the best plan.
But oh my god YAY! I am using scantily-clad ladies to save salmon! And herons! And the state that has Mardi Gras! Who knew being such a whacko would be USEFUL?!?!