First Night was good. People wandering the streets, but not the herds of Times Square. Black Taxi played the steps of the Public Library-- I don't know them that well, but the fact that a decent band rocked Copley Square made me happy enough. I should've brought company, I think. I liked being able to run whichever way I wanted, but going it alone on New Year's Eve is one of those things that make people ask "are you okay?" I can't say I'm happier being single than I was in any of my relationships, but I certainly don't think that it's worthy of the stigma people put on it, not even during the holidays.
I spent five days trying to get a computer to work right so my sister could use it as a Tivo (next year, I am Christmas shopping so I don't get roped into this shit again.) It runs like a retarded monkey, so I have since switched to upgrading a 10-year old Aptiva with an Athlon that is still clocked in MHz, has no onboard USB (or video, audio, ethernet,...) I got it running in four hours. (For comparison, the first computer was a Dell Dimension, Celeron D 2.4 GHz. It worked, sorta; it took 24 hours to install WinXP vs. 40 minutes on the Aptiva.) Lesson learned; the higher number doesn't always make the better computer.
Tonight, I play in Photoshop-- I need graphics for a mess-with-the-projector shoot this weekend. If this works, I expect to bring some of the fanciness back here to share with you, especially since I may be projecting on a Hopeful
I spent five days trying to get a computer to work right so my sister could use it as a Tivo (next year, I am Christmas shopping so I don't get roped into this shit again.) It runs like a retarded monkey, so I have since switched to upgrading a 10-year old Aptiva with an Athlon that is still clocked in MHz, has no onboard USB (or video, audio, ethernet,...) I got it running in four hours. (For comparison, the first computer was a Dell Dimension, Celeron D 2.4 GHz. It worked, sorta; it took 24 hours to install WinXP vs. 40 minutes on the Aptiva.) Lesson learned; the higher number doesn't always make the better computer.
Tonight, I play in Photoshop-- I need graphics for a mess-with-the-projector shoot this weekend. If this works, I expect to bring some of the fanciness back here to share with you, especially since I may be projecting on a Hopeful

i haven't finished the first, let alone touch the second. in the same lack of funding boat.
maybe we should just power through one someday. take turns on the bosses?
and you can't beat the soundtrack...luckily i've heard #2's measures up. but somewhat less humor? lame.
there's probably many a "copy" out there that you can "purchase". nudge. wink.