So what's new? I've had a rough couple of weeks.I had to cover the main chair in dispatch for two weeks, 7pm to 7am.and go figure two of the busiest weeks the company has had in a long time.By the time this past Wednesday came around I was totaly burnt.It probaly did'nt help that I pinched a nerve in my back and was on lots of pain killers and muscle relaxers
Thanks for your support.I actually managed to get started on a sculpture that I've had bouncing around in my head for a while, now that its started I've had a bunch of variations on the theme and now can't decide what to do.
Anyhow I'm getting really spordic at getting onto SG so e-mail if you want.
Take care.

Thanks for your support.I actually managed to get started on a sculpture that I've had bouncing around in my head for a while, now that its started I've had a bunch of variations on the theme and now can't decide what to do.

Take care.
Glad to see your being creative, i brought loads more paints, brushes and things to make more jewellry for my birthday... intend to start them soon.