Well, what to say? We're still in a holding pattern regarding Hermetica mum. She is in hospital and getting treatment for some infections that developed from her cancer surgery.It's making things very sureal as things are all in distorted perspective, trying to keep a normal facade when all I really want to do is stay home and take care of the Bean so Hermetica can do what she needs to do.
I really need to be able to get some time for my self soon too.But alas I'mm out of holiday time at work and now have too slug it out till sometime next year,or till I win the lottery (lol).Hope that everyone else is doing well and remember try to spread a little kindness .Take care.
I really need to be able to get some time for my self soon too.But alas I'mm out of holiday time at work and now have too slug it out till sometime next year,or till I win the lottery (lol).Hope that everyone else is doing well and remember try to spread a little kindness .Take care.
It was 2 1/2 hours as it was...