Ok back from the weekend. The drive to the wedding was nice a bit long but ok.The wedding on saturday was short and sweet just the way I like them not too much god and jesus stuff.The reception was well lots of country music,and far too loud too boot,You had to shout outside the hall to be heard,so after complaints from the bride and groom he finally turned it down.On sunday woke up slightly hung over and went for breakfast,and just down the hall was some sort of christian assemble group practising really bad christian rock ay loud volume
.Our waitress went and closed the doors and we enjoyed our bacon and eggs
.Afterwards packed up and hit the road only to find the ac had quit,
drove into the sun for about 5 hours no relief from the hot wind blowing through the car.Stopped at an ice cream store and waited about 10 min inline in the sun.Finially got Hermetica to her cabin for her week long modeling gig.Then get back in the car and drive home 12:30 am get home and the Bean is wide awake till 2 am, I'm exhuasted and finally crash and the Bean is up at 7am.
So how was your weekend?

Saw Fantastic 4, and got sick.

thanks for the advice. I like the saying, too.