well what a fun trip back. car dies no power 15 min from where we need to catch the ferry. middle of almost bugger all. start to walk back to the nearest farm a car pulls over and the couple offer to help, the run me into the nearest gas station i buy a new battery drive back to car install it drive to ferry boat arrives ten minutes later, get on boat sail across lake get off boat start driving, stop grab coffee daughter wakes up wants ice cream,find ice cream come out car dead. alternator shot. call home for help,three hours later help arrives ..... but wait now need to wait for tow truck!!!!finally 12:30 am begin to drive home.get home 3am can't sleep
neither can hermetica. solution good hard sex
.pass out wkae up sunday later morning first thing to do cruise sg
. now i feel better.
so todays question worst road trip?

so todays question worst road trip?