Grey sky and drizzle
Gray sky and rain
Grey sky and sleet
Gray sky and fog
Time spent in darkness
Tyme spent in light
Time spent in twilight
Tyme spent in shadow
Sorrow on deaths bed
Sorrow in birth
Sorrow on concrete
Sorrow in the clouds
Happiness in life
Happiness in death
Happiness in another
Happiness alone
Peace in a thought
Piece in a kiss
Peace in a gesture
Piece in a touch
Chaos is a dream
Kaos is a thought
Chaos is a gesture
Kaos is an act
Grey sky and drizzle
Gray sky and rain
Grey sky and sleet
Gray sky and .
Gray sky and rain
Grey sky and sleet
Gray sky and fog
Time spent in darkness
Tyme spent in light
Time spent in twilight
Tyme spent in shadow
Sorrow on deaths bed
Sorrow in birth
Sorrow on concrete
Sorrow in the clouds
Happiness in life
Happiness in death
Happiness in another
Happiness alone
Peace in a thought
Piece in a kiss
Peace in a gesture
Piece in a touch
Chaos is a dream
Kaos is a thought
Chaos is a gesture
Kaos is an act
Grey sky and drizzle
Gray sky and rain
Grey sky and sleet
Gray sky and .