ugh. homesick
but i couldnt go home everything is different now, im not sure exactly what it is that you miss when you move? i guess i miss recognizing people and people recognizing me and being comfortable in my surroundings. not that i liked them very much.
man i hate this phase of moving. i also hate my fucking work schedules theyre not syncing up very well and i cant have a life and meet people. i hope it changes soon. or that somebody that i dont like or know very well who has me in their will dies soon.
i'm overwhelmed.
i cant lie, there's a good things too.
but i couldnt go home everything is different now, im not sure exactly what it is that you miss when you move? i guess i miss recognizing people and people recognizing me and being comfortable in my surroundings. not that i liked them very much.
man i hate this phase of moving. i also hate my fucking work schedules theyre not syncing up very well and i cant have a life and meet people. i hope it changes soon. or that somebody that i dont like or know very well who has me in their will dies soon.
i'm overwhelmed.
i cant lie, there's a good things too.

hang in there kiddo

we miss you, toots.