my girl left and now i am superfuckinghomesick for my seattle friends. i have no idea how to meet people here but i guess i felt this way before and managed to assemble a badass social circle.
i think i'm storing food in my mouth in that picture hahahahaa
we went to the zoo that shit always make me sad i don't know why i go other than it's free here and i can sort of be ok with that. but not really. i had to be pried away from this dude:

oh man i love him.
I left my friends behind once when I left France to live in England, and then twice when I left England to live in the US... so I know a thing or two about missing close friends.
What is reassuring is that real friends you never lose even if oceans apart. You might not see them as often but you know they're here somewhere... and the prospect of meeting again sometimes in the future is great.
Also, there are awesome people everywhere, they're just waiting to be met!
PS: thanks for the advice in the Chicago group
PS. chiago.. hear I come.. not sure when, but you know I'll be there.