i am currently working on a masterplan to transport my entire social circle from here to seattle. these people rule. & i am going to be sad when i leave and i haven't even seen half of the people i want to. i dunno if the lonliness i am anticpating when i go back will be really good or really bad, i sort of need it, but who wants to be lonely?
tonight i am going to take the the longest route possible to all every single destination because i love driving in detroit in the dark.
i also love bomb indian food, knowing more than two people at every bar restaurant & house i go to, little kids flailing around in snowsuits, people that know what i'm thinking without having to say anything, soy mango lassies, sleeping in at friends houses and lots of other things that do not involve dealing with my parents mid-life crisiseseses
the past week has been sort of crazy. in very good and bad ways. which makes me want to go back home to seattle with the quickness and not at all
this year will be better than last year! please
i'm working at west bloomfield barnes and noble tonight. if you're over here on the northwest side, stop by.
i miss you.